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CPC Youth
Middle School and High School

High School Cubes

Sundays, 5:00 - 7:30 pm

September - May

Cubes: A safe space for Youth to connect and be themselves 


Cubes seek to provide space for grades 9-12 youth to connect with each other and with trusted adults and student leaders, creating friendships and supporting each other. You come as you are and are accepted as you are. Cubes meet on Sunday nights and, before long, students find themselves talking about anything on their minds, asking questions, and feeling comfortable being themselves.


After small group discussion time, everyone comes together for dinner, which is followed by fun activities including games, scavenger hunts and more. Other big events  are scheduled throughout the year including service projects and off-site events like laser tag. Fall and Spring retreat trips or lock-ins are typically scheduled each year as well as Summer Mission trips.


If 9th graders are interested in being confirmed, we will have opportunities for them to do so throughout the year with Confirmation Sunday being celebrated in May.


Dinner is provided weekly by Cubes or parents, and raucous games are included too!


Check the weekly youth email blast

or events page for up-to-date information!

Not on the youth mailing list?

 Email the office and we'll get you signed up!!


Visit the Events page for weekly updates!


Visit our Worship page for more information on how to worship with us on Sunday mornings.


Retreats and lock-ins are either off- or on-site overnights (typically Saturday night) full of great small group discussions, engaging times of learning, meaningful & fun music, great games & activities, and the opportunity to enjoy a weekend away with old and new friends! Retreats also, and most importantly, provide an incredible space to further explore and deepen our faith in God. 


Watch for details in the weekly Youth email blast!

For more information regarding Youth Ministries, email

Summer Mission Caravans

High School Youth and their adult leaders have been participating in annual summer Mission Caravans for generations at CPC. In recent summers, Caravans worked on construction and rehab of homes in West Virginia and Virginia, as well as volunteering with special-needs children at Camp Courageous in Iowa. 

July 7-13 (Sun – Sat) Camp Courageous Caravan. We will be working as volunteer counselors alongside paid staff at a camp for children and teens with special needs. You will work long hours, do meaningful work that will help campers have a great week, and have a great time doing it. We will stay at the camp and share meals with campers in the dining hall. You do not need experience with special needs individuals, nor do you need to have a desire to make it a related field a career. Compassion and energy are the two most important things to bring. We will take 20-23 people. 

 For more information regarding youth mission Caravans, email​

Youth Group Fundraisers

Each year Caravan participants pay to go on Caravans, but that doesn’t cover the entire cost.  The Youth Group does fundraising to make up the difference.  Look for exciting ways to help coming up in the spring!

We also always welcome program donations to help defray the expenses.

Beyond Sunday Evenings

Sunday morning worship

Sunday morning worship is central to the life of anyone who has trusted in Jesus, desires to join in God’s redemptive work in the world, and chosen to commit to membership at CPC. We strongly and lovingly encourage all youth and families to join us on Sundays.


We also have Sunday morning service opportunities where our youth can assist with the AV tech team, ushering, or be worship leaders as a liturgist or musician. 


College Ministry

How do we stay connected with our youth who have gone on to college?  Periodic communications and a winter retreat or open house during school break help keep college students connected.  Be sure we have your college and email addresses so we can stay connected!

How Can You Help?

Volunteer to be a Middle School leader, High School Cube leader or a Westminster Fellowship (WF) game and special event leader! These ministries don’t happen without the loving and hard-working presence of adults from our church who love Jesus, love CPC, and love to mentor youth! If you’re interested in joining in and getting a front row seat to the work God is doing in our next generation, email

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