We are rooted in traditions, not stuck in them
We believe that Sunday worship is about gathering, not to hear all the right answers but to ask big questions together.
​On a typical Sunday you’ll see families, people who’ve been in this church for years, and people who weren’t sure they’d ever go to church again. Some people dress up, some are pretty casual.
On any given Sunday, you might listen to a Bach prelude, sing a traditional hymn or hear a contemporary arrangement performed by our choirs, or all of the above. You’ll hear scriptures and prayers from a wide variety of people. Please know that we'd love for you to come just as you are.

Everyone belongs
Who would Jesus exclude? We can’t think of anyone. That’s why we want everyone who walks through our doors to feel like they belong. We are all different and have something to learn from each other.
Sometimes, when you’re looking for a church, it helps to have reassurance that you’ll feel welcome. We embrace diversity in race, sexual orientation and identity, socioeconomic status, physical ability, and age. We are a fully inclusive church, open and affirming of LGBTQIA+ persons. We encourage honest expression of both faith and doubt. We are egalitarian in theology and practice and celebrate women in leadership of all kinds.
Plan Your First Visit
We would love to have you join us this Sunday! We meet at 9:30am each Sunday for worship in person and online. During the service, we welcome all children 2 yrs-5th grade to worship in our special "Grace Space," an area in the front of the church with books, puzzles and toys designed just for them. During the school year, the children move downstairs for a time of Faith Formation. Middle school and high school youth worship with their families and have their own time on Sundays.
On a typical Sunday you’ll see families, people who’ve been in this church for years, and people who weren’t sure they’d ever go to church again. Some people dress up, some are pretty casual. Our pastors and choir often wear robes.
Our Sunday worship style is what some might call "casual traditional." We take comfort in traditions, but we aren't afraid to try some new things. We are a truly caring community. We find that engaging in practices like communion, sharing prayers for joys and concerns, and passing the peace helps connect us to the wisdom of the past and each other. We are very friendly, small enough for you to get to know people if you want but large enough for you to remain anonymous for as long as you’d like.
Check out more details below, and we hope you join us on Sunday!

First Time Visit FAQ's
What time is worship?
Worship is at 9:30 am in both the Sanctuary and by livestreaming and lasts about an hour. We often have Fellowship coffee time immediately after downstairs in Fellowship Hall or out in the garden. More info
How do I watch online?
All worship services are live-streamed at chcpc.online.church. More info
Missed worship? All worship services are also available on-demand. More info
What about children?
On Sundays, we invite children to Grace Space, an inclusive space for children to utilize during worship. It is located on the north side of the Sanctuary, in front of the chancel. There will be 2-3 volunteers sitting with the children to help them navigate the worship service. Parents are welcome to sit nearby!
After "Growing With God," children ages 3yrs-5th grade are invited to go to room 6 on the lower level for Sunday School: Faith Formation. On Communion Sundays, various other Sundays and all Summer Sundays, the children will remain in worship. More info
For younger children, the Nursery is staffed once a month but is always available for parents to use with their children if they desire. Livestream of the worship service is available in the Nursery! More info
What about middle school and high school youth?
Middle school and high youth are invited to sit with their parents during worship. They then gather seperately during the school year on Sundays (times vary) for a time of discussion, food, mission and fun! In the summer we offer High School Mission Caravan trips. More info
What do I wear?
People dress comfortably and casually, so wear whatever makes you comfortable. Our pastors and choir often wear robes. More info
Where do I park?
We have plenty of parking all around the church. If you need the elevator, we encourage you to park near door 7D. More info
How do I find out what special events, adult ed or mission opportunities are happening?
Visit our Events and News page! It's updated weekly with all the current exciting happenings at CPC. More info
Ready to Connect?
Fill out our digital connect card and
let us know you are visiting!
Questions? Concerns? Still not sure you’ll feel comfortable here?
Contact one of our staff — we’d love to get coffee with you and talk more about CPC.

Wondering how to get here?
Where to park?
We have lots of parking! Parking is readily available in the church parking lot as well as along Prospect Ave and Norfolk St. The church parking lot has handicap accessible slots.

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