Serving our Local Community
We find God’s hope in all corners of the world, and we love to serve others and spread hope when we can. Outside our building but in our neighborhood, these are local organizations we support through volunteer work and donations. For more information on how you can help or volunteer, contact Pastor Beth at or 630-323-6522
LOVE Christian Clearing House
Love INC The organization is designed to be a one-stop resource to support people struggling to make ends meet or to resolve a problem. Instead of people having to go from church to church to seek help, they can call Love INC and find out where the resources are. CPC has been supporting Love INC for several decades, including providing people to answer the phones and to direct callers to resources that will meet their needs. Find our more from Ann Hamman or Joanne King, who have been helping there for many years. To volunteer or get more information, call 630.512.8665.
HCS Family Services
A food pantry. Once a month we collect shelf stable food items to help stock the pantry shelves. Visit the EVENTS page for this month's items