Serving the World
“…he asked Jesus, ‘And who is my neighbor?’” (Luke 10:29)
Sometimes our neighbor might be someone who lives next door, and sometimes, like in the story of the Good Samaritan quoted above, our neighbor is a stranger, a foreigner, a person wholly unknown to us. Believing this, that all people are the children of God and our neighbors, we strive to serve our nation and the world.
Cuba Partnership
We are blessed by our sister-church relationship with Iglesia Presbiteriana-Reformada in San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba. We have partnered together for over 10 years. The town of San Antonio rests about a one hour drive outside of Havana, and they do amazing ministry there. In addition to Sunday worship, weekly Bible studies, and children’s programming, they have a Living Waters Well and offer clean, free water to the community. Praise God! If you would like more information or to venture to Cuba, please contact Pastor Beth at beth.fd@chcpc.org or 630-323-6522.

30 Hour Famine, World Vision
Each year in the spring, our Youth Group participates in a 30 Hour famine. They fast from all food and drink (except water), and raise money to fight hunger around the globe with an organization called World Vision. In the past 20 years, we have raised over 100,000 dollars to fight hunger. Additionally, youth from our church have gone on mission trips with World Vision to see our fundraising efforts in action.
PC(USA) Special Offerings and Shared Giving
As part of the PC(USA), we participate in the four denominational special offerings that support
numerous national and international ministries. The money supports youth and children education and health, anti-racism and peacemaking efforts, natural disaster relief, and more.
For more information on how these offerings are used, you can go directly to
the following links:
Additionally, as a church we support the PC(USA) Shared Giving Program, which funds programs that the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) offers all over the United States through our annual CPC Presbytery Offering.
Adult and Youth Mission Trips
Here at CPC we do our best to serve others with what we have. We try to find opportunities for everyone in our community to get involved, helping to share hope and love around the world, as well as within our own hearts. Contact Pastor Beth at beth.fd@chcpc.org if you would like to participate or help plan a trip. For information on summer youth Mission Caravan visit the Youth page.