Serving at Church
There are many ways to give of yourself and help others, right here within our own church walls. Here are just a few of them. For more information, contact Pastor Beth at or 630-323-6522
Meal-a-Month bags are distributed the first Sunday of the month. Any non-perishable items are very welcome, as are cleaning supplies, paper products and grocery gift cards Please return your donations to the church the following Sunday. If you are not in church to pick up a bag, fill your own. Remember, hunger takes no vacation. Your donations help feed those who are hungry in our immediate area through the Hinsdale Community Service pantry.
This month's suggested menu can be found on the Event page
CPC Gardeners
Do you enjoy gardening? Being outdoors with others? Have a special way with seasonal planters? The CPC Gardeners are the behind the scenes group that help keep the grounds beautiful. They are always looking for more hands! Contact the office at or 630-323-6522 for how to get involved!
Contact the Office for more information
Mission Trips
Form Mission trips to go out to God’s world, sometimes near and sometimes far. See Serving the World for more information.
Mission Stitchers!
Thursdays from 9 - 11 AM in Room LL6-LL8.
We've changed our name and broadened our vision. Mission Sewing is now Mission Stitchers. Anyone interested in sewing, knitting, or crocheting for charity is welcome. We are happy to teach you, too.
Contact the Office for more information
Sunday Worship Leaders
CPC relies on lay leaders for many worship roles. From being an in-person or online host, liturgist, usher, greeter, choir member, there is something for everyone!
Contact the Pastor Beth at for more information. Training will be provided as needed.
Sanctuary Guild
Could you give one hour a month to your church to help keep the sanctuary tidy and prepared for Sunday worship?
It's easy: straighten up the cards and papers in the pews, but hymnals back in the rack, ensure correct colored paraments hanging, check oil in candles, etc.
You pick the day of the week. Anytime 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. Often friends do this together!
You'll enjoy the quiet time in the sanctuary. Many find it a great time for meditative prayer as you serve the church and visualize your church family sitting in the pews.
Contact the church office for more information. Training will be provided.
AV Team
Can you work your TV remote control? Have you thought about joining the CPC AV team that brings you all the great slides, sounds and livestream on Sunday mornings! We have a great team of AV people who are always looking for more help. Training will be provided!
Contact the Office for more information