There are many any ways to share your gifts:
By Mail:
Mail your check to the church office: Community Presbyterian Church, 39 N Prospect Ave, Clarendon Hills, IL 60514
Make your gift directly online through Realm (no Realm login required), in your Realm profile, or the Realm Connect app on your phone. Specific funds can be designated in the drop down menu.
Contact Laurie Scola, Financial Administrator, at (630) 323-6522 or laurie.scola@chcpc.org with any financial questions or Stephanie Rens-Domiano, Director of Digital Platforms, at stephanie.rensdomiano@chcpc.org with any Realm or technical issues.
Thank you for your continued financial support of God's Church and the ministry of CPC!
FAQs about Stewardship and Online Donations
1. Can I donate online?
You can make a payment on any of your devices for your pledge or monetary gifts to CPC. Set up regular giving or a one-time gift to a specific fund such as an Annual Pledge, Gift to Budget, Presbytery Offering or register for an event. You can access our online payment form at https://onrealm.org/cpc/-/form/give/now or on your personal Realm profile. ​
2. Can I pledge online?
You can make both your yearly Pledge as well as payments towards that pledge. Pledge online at https://onrealm.org/cpc/AddPledge/annualpledge or in your Realm profile. You can also communicate your giving intentions to CPC by returning your pledge card or emailing laurie.scola@chcpc.org.
3. I am worried about storing my financial information on a vendor website.
Vanco Payment Services has a PCI (Payment Card Industry) rating of Level 1, the highest awarded and considered the gold standard.
4. Can I use Electronic Funds Transfer Service through my bank?
You may continue using EFT’s initiated through your bank. You can contact Laurie Scola, Financial Administrator, to set that up. But, the advantage of using your Realm profile is that you can make recurring donations or occasional one-time gifts via your stored EFT or credit card information. You can also view your donation history.
5. Can I make both recurring payments as well as occasional one-time gifts?
Any combination of gifts types is possible. For example, through your Realm profile, you can set your pledge amount as a recurring monthly EFT and you could make occasional one-time gifts via an EFT or your credit card.
6. I have heard that online giving costs a lot.
EFTs are very economic at about $3/year as a flat fee. Credit card processing runs about 3% of the transaction amount. We urge those who prefer to use credit cards to check the box, “Contribute an extra 3% to offset processing costs,” effectively covering that expense for CPC.
More questions? Contact the Financial Administrator at the church office (630) 323-6522 or laurie.scola@chcpc.org