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Small Groups

Circle of Voices

3rd Wednesday of the month, 9:30 am

September - May

A women’s book discussion group, Circle of Voices usually meets the third Wednesday of each month, September through May at 9:30 a.m. in the parlor. They discuss a variety of books and participants can come whenever it fits their schedule. Books are available at the Clarendon Hills Library at the beginning of each month. All are welcome and are invited to go out to lunch after the discussion.

CPC Gardeners

Do you enjoy gardening? Being outdoors with others? Have a special way with seasonal planters? The CPC Gardeners are the behind the scenes group that help keep the grounds beautiful. They are always looking for more hands! Contact the office at or 630-323-6522 for how to get involved!

Presbyterian Women Bible Study Circles

4th Tuesday of the month

September - May

Bible study groups meet the fourth Tuesday of every month, either in members’ homes or the church parlor. Choose a morning, afternoon or evening group to meet your schedule. These groups are hosted by our Presbyterian Women, which along with the Circle Bible study groups, support mission projects and special programs throughout the year.

Read * Pray * Share 

Thursdays, 9:00 - 10:30 am

September - May

Hybrid format


Are you looking for a group where literature and Biblical discussion come together? This curious and insightful group meets at CPC from 9:00 - 10:30 am on Thursdays from September to the end of May.


They begin each meeting by sharing life updates, joys and concerns and then pray together (20 minutes) and then we discuss the reading for 70 minutes.


We welcome all to join the group.  No one can make it every week, so come when you can. 


Check the Events Page for the current book!

Presbyterian Women Monthly Programs

1st Tuesday of the month

September - May

Come for food and fellowship the first Tuesday of the month – September-December and March to May –  in Fellowship Hall. Reservations are not needed. Meetings include tasty treats, a Christmas Open House, and the Faith and Fellowship Breakfast in May.  

50+ Sunday Luncheon

All friends age 50+  are invited to join us for great food and fellowship on select Sundays throughout the year to enjoy a delicious meal prepared by our creative chefs and helpers. These meals provide a venue for conversation and occasional entertainment, as well as a place to continue to listen to the concerns and joys of the older members. Every effort is made to provide transportation to these events for those who need it.

See the Bulletin or Events Page

for the next luncheon!




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Tuesday Walkers

9:00-10:00 am year-round

Each week a group heads out for a walk at a nearby park. Fast or slow, every week or once in a while, all are welcome to walk and chat during this weekly outing. All are welcome! Contact the office at or 630-323-6522 to get on the group email.

Parties, Picnics & More

Along with our small groups, we also offer lots of opportunities to just get together, share a meal, or simply enjoy each other’s company.

Watch the Bulletin, Thursday email and Events Page for gatherings such as Progressive Dinner, Advent by Candlelight, Mardis Gras Party, and an All-Church Picnic.

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