We believe in gratitude. Not guilt.
We believe we are called to be good stewards of God’s world. We maintain a vital facility that supports our mission and outreach programs. We do long term financial planning and manage a balanced budget of income and expenses. We encourage our members to share their gifts to support our programs.
We don’t believe there is only one way to give. Rather than financially, some of us give with our time and our talents and our prayers. And we’re grateful for whatever and however you choose to give.
We hope that members and regular attenders understand that the church operates within a budget that includes not only mission and programming funding but also salaries and building upkeep. An annual stewardship campaign takes place in the Fall. Members of the congregation are invited to make monetary pledges for the support of the church and its ministries.
Annual Stewardship Campaign
Presbytery Offering / Per Capita
As Presbyterians, we are part of a connectional church. We unite to support one another, share resources, and carry out God’s mission in our local communities, our nation and the world. The Chicago Presbytery leads this work, in conjunction with the Synod of Lincoln Trails and the General Assembly (GA) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
CPC makes an annual contribution to the Chicago Presbytery based on a per capita formula. This year we hope to raise the entire amount of CPC’s contribution through this offering. The suggested gift to the fund is $150 per family. Please make your donation:
● Online at https://onrealm.org/cpc/give/PresbyOffering
● By check to the church office
Thank you for supporting the Presbytery, Synod and General Assembly.
Endowment Funds, Memorial Gifts and
Tree of Life
For those who cherish the thought of making a gift to the church that will bear fruit for years to come, the Endowment Funds are a generous choice. Contributions can be made to the Endowment Fund in many ways, including special gifts, memorials, and planned giving. A special way to remember a loved one is through the “Tree of Life,” which is located in the narthex. With a contribution of $750 or more, a leaf is inscribed on the tree and a donation is made for a lasting legacy.
For more information on the CPC Endowment Funds and how you can leave a lasting gift to CPC, visit our Endowment Information Page

The four churchwide Special Offerings of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) play an important role in defining what
it means to be a connectional church in the twenty-first century. They bring together the diversity of PC(USA)
to focus and take faith-based action on shared concerns. The Offerings collectively participate in ministries of
compassion, justice, Christian formation, education, peacemaking, and global witness.
Visit Presbyterian Mission Special Offerings for more information
Special Offerings
Other Offering Opportunities

Two-Cents a Meal is a small first step in the battle against hunger and poverty. We invite every member—of all ages—to contribute a few cents at every meal. This simple act is an expression of thanksgiving for what we have received. It is also a commitment to share with others in response to Jesus' command "You give them something to eat."