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CPC News

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Ash Wednesday 
March 5, 7:00 pm

Meditative Worship with imposition of ashes and Communion

Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent with a public act of confession.  Acknowledging that we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory, we repent and return to our loving Creator.  Acutely aware of our failure and frailty, we express our utter reliance on God’s saving grace.


Ash Wednesday developed in the medieval period as a time when penitent sinners were presented for church discipline during the season of Lent, to be reconciled with the community of faith on Maundy Thursday.  Ash Wednesday also came to be the occasion for new believers to enroll in the catechumenate, a period of preparation for baptism at Easter.  


Ashes are an ancient symbol of repentance, sorrow, and sacrifice.  Traditionally, the ashes for this service are made from the palm branches of previous years; thus the ashes and palms together frame the season of Lent.


Service will also will be live-streamed at

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Trouble the Water Weekend Workshop

Friday, March 7-Sunday March 9


Community Presbyterian Church is hosting a powerful weekend workshop,

Trouble the Water - Conversations to Disrupt Racism and Dominance. 


These soul-work sessions provide participants the opportunity to step away from the distractions of daily life and engage in deep, meaningful reflection on the generational systems and forces that shape our world, and our place within them. Through powerful storytelling, guided discussions, and immersive experiences, participants will explore resilience, justice, and the responsibility we all share in creating a more equitable future. 


Whether you come seeking greater understanding, healing, or a renewed sense of purpose, you will leave with a deeper awareness of yourself, your community, and the soul-work that we are called to do.

Sponsored by the Mission, Education & Outreach Committee of CPC.  


  • While participation at all four sessions will provide the most meaningful experience, it is not required. 

  • Child / Family care stipends available to support your need for care in your home while you attend Trouble the Water.

  • Virtual and hybrid registrations available. 




Sunday, March 23 9:30 am Worship

Leonardo Garcia Altino - Cellist


We are excited to welcome back cellist Leo Altino to worship at CPC.


Brazilian-American cellist Leonardo Garcia Altino has performed with leading orchestras, including the Boston Symphony and Odense Symphony. By fourteen, he had already appeared as a soloist with every major orchestra in Brazil. A winner of the Viña del Mar International Cello Competition, he has performed across the Americas, Europe, and Asia. Praised by The Strad Magazine for his “exceptional musical intelligence and an exceptionally cultivated sound,” he is currently a faculty member at the Wheaton College Conservatory of Music.


Ash Wednesday Worship

Wednesday, March 5



Lent is a journey of preparation for the coming of Holy Week. In this season we will walk with Jesus as he moves closer to the cross. This year we will study key texts in the gospel of Luke. We will engage with familiar stories—the Good Samaritan, Mary and Martha, the fruitless fig tree, the Lost Sheep, Zacchaeus, and more.


The liturgical season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, a day to remember that we are dust and to dust we will return. A worship service with the imposition of ashes and communion will be held at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, March 5 in the Sanctuary.

CPC Events for Youth, Kids and Families


CPC Kids Faith Formation

Visitors always welcome!

3yrs - 5th grade

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CPC Kids Faith Formation


CPC KIDS' Faith Formation: This Sunday, March 2  After Growing with God the children are invited to join us in Faith formation class in room LL6. We will learn about and celebrate Transfiguration Sunday


What to Expect During Worship?

On Sundays, we invite children to Grace Space, an inclusive space for children to utilize during worship. It is located on the north side of the Sanctuary, in front of the chancel. 

There will be 2-3 Faith Formation volunteers sitting with the kids to help them navigate the worship service.  Parents are welcome to sit nearby! The children will stay in the sanctuary for the entire worship service on Communion Sundays and various other Sundays. The remaining Sundays of the month they will start in worship service. After "Growing with God" time during worship they will be invited to go to room LL6 on the lower level for Faith Formation.​​​​​​

The Nursery will be staffed next on March 9 

Families can drop off their little ones in the nursery to be cared for by our volunteers on Communion Sudnays. It is located across from the church office on the main floor.

**The Nursery is always open and available for use. Livestream of the worship service is available in the Nursery! (Click HERE for more details on Nursery care).

​For the latest CPC Kids happenings, check out the CPC Thursday E-blast, the weekly CPC Kids email or visit the Events page. 

Visit the CPC Kids website page for details on Kids Faith Formation at CPC


Questions? Contact Kristin Duy, Director of Children and Family Ministries at


Bible Explorers 

March 23, April 27

Children 4th-6th grade

All kids in 4th - 6th grade are encouraged to participate in our Bible Explorers group. These sessions will be exciting and engaging. Kids will get a chance to interact with their friends and their bibles in ways that equip and inspire them to read their Bibles regularly at home.


One Great Hour of Sharing

beginning March 9

Fish banks are available for anyone wanting to participate in this Lenten giving program. You can pick up a fish bank and a Sharing Calendar in the Narthex. Each day read the Sharing Calendar and reflect on the questions. You can then place a gift in your fish bank. We will collect the banks and celebrate your generosity on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday.

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Spaghetti Dinner 

Friday, March 21, 5:30pm-7:00pm

​$15 - Adults

$5 - Children under 10

Payable at the door


CEC is sponsoring an intergenerational event to raise funds for the High School Youth Caravans (aka summer mission trips)! Please join us as we share a meal together and then play games for all ages! We will serve spaghetti with or without meatballs & sauce, buttered pasta, salad, garlic bread & beverages!


If you would like to donate a dessert item, please reach out to Kristin Duy HERE


CPC Kids' Academy

New Family Enrollment is NOW OPEN

Summer Camp Enrollment opens March 3

CPC Kids' Academy is a preschool for children 30 months to 5 years and an after-school program for kids in kindergarten thru 5th grade. The Academy has been in the Clarendon Hills community for more than 50 years and is VERY proud to be NAEYC accredited!

New families are invited to learn more about the Academy by contacting the Director Kelley Lemley at to schedule a tour.​


CPC Kids’ Academy 2025 Summer Camp Registration will OPEN to the community on Monday, March 3rd


Please join us for some summertime fun! 

Camp dates: June 3rd thru August 8th 

Camp Hours: 9:00am – 3:00pm

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CPC Kids Lending Library is Open!

Children 3 yrs-5th grade 

Are you looking for good books for your child, grandchild, niece, nephew or yourself?

Visit the Lending Library in the Narthex and check out a book!

There will be children's books, parenting books and general interest books. Simply complete the form for each book you take and enjoy for up to 2 weeks!


Check back often and watch our little library grow!

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CPC Youth 

Grades 6-12

Important Upcoming Youth Program Dates:


3/2: WF 4 on a Couch

3/9: 30 Hour Famine for Cubes

3/16: WF Hot Ones


If you would like to be connected to youth ministry or added to our youth ministry weekly email list, please email! For more program details visit our CPC Youth page!


Registration is ongoing - there is always space you YOU!

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CPC High School Youth: 30 Hour Famine

March 8th -9th


Beginning Saturday, March 8, a team of high school students and adults will participate in World Vision's 30 Hour Famine. The team will be fasting for 30 hours but staying hydrated with juice and water while learning about poverty in our global community. They will be led through different service opportunities and activities to learn more about the impact they can make and the challenges our world currently is facing. 

We hope you will consider either sponsoring our team online by using the button below or bringing a donation on Sunday, March 9 to worship!

CPC Events for Adults

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Presbyterian Women

"Bison Tales and Tallgrass Tails"

Tuesday, March 4, 12:30

Please join us in Fellowship Hall for a delicious luncheon with dessert and a stimulating presentation by Cindy Crosby. Cindy is a steward supervisor for the Schulenberg Prairie at the Morton Arboretum and a writer, teacher, and lecturer on the tallgrass prairie and nature conservation. She has a master’s degree in natural resources with an emphasis on environmental interpretation. Her talk will focus on tallgrass prairies including wildlife and particularly bison.  All are invited. Bring friends!!

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Sunday Morning Adult Ed 

Beginning Sunday, March 16 10:45am-11:45am

Lenten Study and Discussion

Hybrid: Sanctuary and Zoom

Sunday morning classes during Lent will make use of the book Turning Over Tables: A Lenten Call for Disrupting Power, by Kathy Escobar.


Comments from the publisher, Westminster John Knox Press: “From flipping the moneychangers’ tables in the temple to uplifting the poor and marginalized, Jesus’ actions and words turn the world’s idea of power on its head.”


This book has daily readings throughout Lent and Easter. It asks us as individuals to consider how we can challenge power when it is appropriate as Christians to do so.

For the study to be most effective and satisfying, each of us will need to work through the book on our own each week. Then we will meet together on Sunday morning and discover more together. Please join us in this journey!


Books are now available in the church office. Please pick up your copy and get started with the Introduction before Ash Wednesday (March 5). Our first class will be March 16 and will cover the first three chapters of the book.


Zoom link available in the Adult Ed email, bulletin or from the office.

Past session video recordings are available on the Adult Ed page


Circle of Voices Women's Book Club

3rd Wed of the month Sept-June 9:30am

No meeting in March!

**Date Change** April 23 We will be reading The River We Remember: A Novel by William Kent Krueger

All are welcome to join the discussion, even if you have not finished or read the book. The book is available at the Clarendon Hills Library. Traditionally we enjoy lunch together at a local restaurant. For more information visit the Interest Group Page.

Location: Gathering Room

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Read * Pray * Share

Thursdays, 9:00 - 10:30 am

Hybrid: Chapel and Zoom

On January 9 we will begin our study on Illuminations, a novel of Hildegard von Bingen. 


We welcome all to join the group.  No one can make it every week, so come when you can! Contact Pastor Beth for more information

Mission Opportunities

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Music News: Chancel and Bell Choir Info​


Chancel Choir meets on Wednesday evenings at 7:00PM (Chancel)
Clarion Bells meets on Thursday evenings at 7:00PM (Basement)

Both groups have membership of varying musical levels - we will find a place for you!

Join us for a great year of music making and singing (and playing) praises to the Lord! See the Music Ministries page for more info or contact Christopher Cock, Director of Music Ministries for more information and rehearsal questions.

Meal-a-Month Bag!

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Food Pantries are in desperate need. Fill a bag with grocery items to be donated to Hinsdale Community Services. The suggested menu is:

  • Cereal & Pancake Mix

  • Peanut Butter & Jelly

  • Rice, Beans

  • Canned Soup

  • Canned Tuna or Chicken

  • Mac & Cheese

  • Shampoo, Conditioner

  • Laundry Soap, Dish Soap

  • Paper Products

Any non-perishable items will be most welcome! Pick up a bag in the narthex or use your own and return to CPC. Thank you for your generous donations.

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Prepackaged Communion Delivery 

Worshipping from home? Would you appreciate having communion juice and wafer delivered to you so you have communion elements ready to use during online worship? We are happy to bring you a supply of prepackaged communion elements. Please click here to email Pastor Beth and we'll deliver to your home!

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Visiting CPC?


We believe feeling welcome is foundational for members and visitors to be open to the journey of lifelong faith formation and growth. If you’ve felt a sense of welcome at CPC and are curious in learning more about us, reach out to Ingrid Ellithorpe, Community Connector or call the office at 630-323-6522.


You can also visit the Connect or Plan Your First Visit pages to learn more about us!

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Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA)

aids disaster victims all around the world

Click here for more info and ways to offer your support. You can also donate directly HERE


To directly donate to the LA wildfire assistance, click HERE

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Calendar at a Glance

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