CPC Kids
infants thru5th grade

For the latest CPC Kids happenings,
check out the CPC Thursday E-blast,
the weekly CPC Kids email
or visit the Events page
Not getting all the news? Contact the office at kduy@chcpc.org to be added to the CPC Kids email list
Quick links
CPC Kids Faith Formation:
Children 3 yrs - 5th Grade (September-May)
On Sundays, we invite children to Grace Space, an inclusive space for children to utilize during worship. It is located on the north side of the Sanctuary, in front of the chancel.
There will be 2-3 Faith Formation volunteers sitting with the kids to help them navigate the worship service. Parents are welcome to sit nearby! The children will stay in the sanctuary for the entire worship service on Communion Sundays and various other Sundays.
The remaining Sundays of the month they will start in worship service. After "Growing with God" time during worship they will be invited to go to room 6 on the lower level for Faith Formation.
For the latest CPC Kids happenings, check out the CPC Thursday E-blast, the weekly CPC Kids email or visit the Events page
For infants through 2-years-old
The Nursery will be staffed one Sunday a month. Check out the Kids' Calendar for dates
Fall 2024 Nursery Staffed dates: September 8, October 6, November 10, December 1
Families can drop off their little ones to be cared for by our volunteers. We use a pager system in case a parent is needed. The Nursery is located across from the church office on the main floor .
The nursery is always open and available for use even when not staffed by our volunteers. Livestream of the worship service is available in the Nursery!​
Summer Sundays
(Memorial Weekend-Labor Day)
Grace Space is open all summer! All children can participate in the worship service in a space designed for them. Kids will find coloring & activity pages, books, puzzles, fidget items, play-doh with activity mats, streamers and more for your child to use while worshipping right up front. They won't miss a thing!
Worship Bags! Your child may prefer to sit in the pew with you during worship. If so, they can still participate in activities by gathering a worship bag in the Narthex on their way into the Sanctuary. Look for bags beginning May 26
Worship Helpers
June 9, July 14, August 11
Calling all kids 3 yrs - 5th grade! Here's your chance toparticipate in worship service during 3 Summer Sundays. Sign up to be an Acolyte, Greeter, Usher or Liturgist on Kids' Summer Sundays!
Greeter - welcome people and hand out bulletins
Reader - Help with various readings during worship
Acolyte - Light the Christ candle at start of service
Sign up HERE
The Nursery will be staffed this summer on May 19, June 2, July 14, August 4.
Families can drop off their little ones in the nursery to be cared for by our volunteers. It is located across from the church office on the main floor.
**The Nursery is always open and available for use, even when not staffed by our volunteers. Livestream of the worship service is available in the Nursery! (Click HERE for more details on Nursery care).
Questions? Contact Kristin Duy, Director of Children and Family Ministries at kduy@chcpc.org!
